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This Review Reveals Minor Details About the Plot.

Break a Leg

Nothing But Trouble on IMDb

Plot Overview

Christmas party

chauffeurboy and
girlEasy NYC investment attorney Diane Light­son (Demi Moore) was devas­tated when a client in Atlantic City took advantage and then wouldn't take her calls. At a pent­house party she begs a ride there the next day from financial publisher Chris Thorne (Chevy Chase) in his cherry Beemer 733i. Mike (Peter Aykroyd) the knowing doorman produces the wheels, and Brazillionaire siblings Fausto (Taylor Negron) & Renalda Squir­in­iszu (Bertila Damas) join them, bringing a picnic lunch. They divert from the NJ Turn­pike to eat it along a tributary.

Davie County Courthouse entrance

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NewsdinnerChris drifts through a stop sign in an unfamiliar town and Valken­vania's Chief Constable Dennis Valken­heiser (John Candy) pulls him over and leads them to their imposing court­house. His grand­father the Reeve—what we'd call a J.P.—Alvin Valken­heiser (Dan Aykroyd) is presiding. He'd suffered shell shock in the Great War, then graduated in engineering from a podunk university, and now has his place all tricked out for bizarre incar­ceration. He lays it on thick. Think along the lines of author Kevin Wilson:

She opened a refrigerator that was as big as a car and removed a huge package of bacon. She slapped so many strips in a pan; it must have been a pound. With­out ever looking at me, she sliced a loaf of fresh bread and put two pieces in a toaster that looked like both the fifties and the future. (42)

He harbors a grudge against bankers, and Diane suggests, “This is really a case of a dysfunctional family. You should consider therapy.” Right.

loversChris has just gotten over his divorce of four years ago, and he encourages Diane to move on from her disap­point­ment as well. They make a good looking couple and share common interests. Now they are sharing an adventure. The Justice of the Peace does perform weddings, and they've in fact brought two witnesses with them. If you see wedding bells on the horizon, you won't be half wrong.



workshopThe Reeve at 106 has no male heir to fill his chair. His loyal grand­son is like to split, and his two younger ones Bobo (also Dan Aykroyd) and Lil' Debbull are mutants on account of him procreating too late in life. His only hope is in his mute grand­daughter Eldona (John Candy in drag.) He needs to find a “husband to my grand­daughter to be father to her child and heir to my seat.” But she's not so marriage­able on account of there being so much of her to love. She has her eye on Chris, and his traffic penalty (“Come on, death for running a stop sign?”) is just the leverage (“And for being a banker!”) the old man needs (“That's the double death.”) It being “death or Eldona” Chris makes a wise choice.

The boilerplate vows are sound: “The district and common­wealth hereby duly recognizing the will and wish of a man and woman entering into the holy and life-binding state of matrimony here­with confirm that you Eldona Valken­heiser take to husband one Christopher Thorne and you Christopher Thorne do take to wife one Eldona Valken­heiser.” She signs and he stammers, “I do.” The Reeve declares, “This office so recognizes and certifies this union and declares you are now wedded man and wife.” There's an unenthus­iastic kissing of the bride, passed off as “wedding night jitters.”

So all that remains is the witnesses … they need two of them. Fausto & Renalda are long gone. Diane is out back minding Bobo & Debbull (“We're not allowed in the house”) who being high school drop­outs are too young (and mentally incompetent) any­way. They do have two constables on hand but they are officers of the court, and as Augustine pointed out, marriage starts a domestic church, and the First Amendment prohibits the state from establishing a religion. The constables cannot be used if this marriage is to be valid in the eyes of God and the church, not just a domestic partner­ship with what­ever label it's given. It had been pointed out that Dennis needs a vacation, so he would be off duty on his break, right? When he's gone, he's off as, “My duties end right here at this bench,” but when he's there, he's official be he on his break.

colored man on hornFortunately, the judge had just dismissed charges against a “gaggle of high school drop­out musicians” so he tells them, “There's another matter before the shire court this evening and youse all might be able to help.” They serve as witnesses.

These machinations could provide an anthropologist rich grist for the mill. Consulting scientist Marvin Harris on What is Marriage? we read:

One of the problems with the proposition that the nuclear family is the basic building block of all domestic groups is that it rests on the assumption that widely different forms of matings can be called “marriage.” Yet in order to cover the extra­ordinary diversity of mating behavior characteristic of the human species, the definition of marriage has to be made so broad as to be confusing. —

Since the term marriage is too useful to drop altogether, a more narrow definition seems appropriate: Marriage denotes the behavior, sentiments, and rules concerned with coresident hetero­sexual mating and reproduction in domestic contexts.

To avoid offending people by using marriage exclusively for coresident hetero­sexual domestic mates, a simple expedient is available. Let such other relation­ships be designated as “noncoresident marriages”, “man-man marriages”, “woman-woman marriages,” or by any other appropriate specific nomen­clature. It is clear that these matings have different ecological, demographic, economic, and ideological implications, so nothing is to be gained by arguing about whether they are “real” marriages. (317–18)

The way this story is heading it would be no surprise if Chris and Diane ended up cohabiting together while he and Eldona were in a “noncoresident marriage.” Paul wrote, (1Cor. 7:10-11) “Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.” Maybe in—God help us—some future sequel, Chris will man up and do what's right by Eldona.

Production Values

celery” (1991) was directed by Dan Aykroyd. It was written by Peter Aykroyd and Dan Aykroyd. It stars Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, John Candy and Deni Moore. These seasoned thespians are in good form here. The supporting actors shone as well.

The movie was certified PG–13. The mansion was “like extremely draculated.” Prison delicacies included such fare as ant logs. The humor was very dark. Music was piped in as well as played live. The production values were tops across the board. Runtime is 1½ hours.

Review Conclusion w/a Christian's Recommendation

preacher talkingWhen I was cleaning dorms at our local, federally subsidized university, we weren't allowed to do campaigning or proselytizing. My mindful supervisor wouldn't allow me to go on my break to help itinerant preacher Brother Jed field questions in the free speech area. My office worker friend there would refrain from using his breaks to march with his daughter going by in her climate change protests. The staff of the J.P. was prohibited from being official witnesses to weddings held there in the court­house. If any were tempted to violate that rule on her break, I'm sure knowledge­able citizens in a college town could set her straight. Movies help with our conceptions of boy-girl relations, and this one doesn't fall short.

Its humor is very dark, the setting silly, and the pace relentless. I enjoyed it ever so much, but I don't think everyone will.

Movie Ratings

Action factor: Edge of your seat action-packed. Suitability for Children: Suitable for children 13+ years with guidance. Special effects: Well done special effects. Video Occasion: Fit For a Friday Evening. Suspense: Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Overall movie rating: Five stars out of five.

Works Cited

Scripture quoted from the King James Version. Pub. 1611, rev. 1769. Software.

Harris, Marvin. CULTURE, PEOPLE, NATURE: An Introduction to General Anthropology fifth edition. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1988. Print.

Wilson, Kevin. Nothing to See Here. Copyright © 2019 by Kevin Wilson. New York: Harper­Collins Pub., first edition. Print.