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This Review Reveals Minor Details About the Plot.

Dark Dangers

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom on

Plot Overview


green eggbeakersCorn-fed Missouri girl Wilhemina “Willie” Scott (Kate Capshaw) became a famous singer in the states then branched out to Shanghai to head­line at the Obi Wan Club owned by sadistic crime lord Lao Che (Roy Chiao.) She “had a little house, and a garden. [She] went to parties in limou­sines [with her] rich friends.” Renowned archae­ologist Indiana “Indy” Jones (Harrison Ford) is rumored to be a grave robber. The Sultan of Madagascar threatened to dismember him if he ever returned to his country. Tonight he's at a table with Lao Che to exchange a priceless relic for a bag of diamonds & gold. When Willie comes over to be introduced, a scuffle ensues and in the melee the girl gets the formula, so Willie grabs the girl and absconds with her through defenes­tration, motor­car chase, and chartered plane.


commercial pilotThey bail out of the saboutaged plane and make their way down mountain slope, through river rapids, and over jungle terrain to the desolate village of Mayapore in northern India. There the hospitable folk impose on him a detour to the temple of Pankot, to recover a magic stone whose loss had triggered misfortune and missing children.

mischievous boy
w/slingcare bearworshipAt the temple worship of Kali with human sacrifice is taking place. Indy must fight a restored Thugee cult, its evil priest Mola Ram (Amrish Puri,) and a voodoo doll wielding, adolescent Maharajah Zalim Singh (Raj Singh.) He is aided in his fight with the muscular guard (Pat Roach) by his feisty eleven-year-old side­kick Short Round (Ke Huy Quan.)


men's dance lineThe movie opens in a coordinated dance routine, Blonde Willie singing in front of eight brunette China dolls. Then a second stage of blonde dancers takes over. Willie her­self is wearing a gold sequined dress with a rouge shoulder piece on one side; she has the alternating colored gloves to match. It's a subtle setup for the two arenas of action to follow. It also intro­duces nicely a scripture lesson, (Prov. 30:7) “Two things have I required of thee; deny me them not before I die:”

pie(Prov. 30:8-9) “Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the LORD? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.” We hear an oft-repeated refrain of “fortune and glory,” which are the two temptations facing our protagonists. Willie is given to vanity, primping and preening her­self under adverse circumstances (“I'm not going to have any­thing nice to say about this place when I get back.”) Indy resists the lie that those stones hold magic properties (“Put in a museum it would be another rock collecting dust.”) Lest they fall for vanity and lies, the plot forces them to eat humble pie.

Willie must content herself with eating basic village fare or harvested raw fruits. The priest trying to make up a matching set of five magic stones is in danger of this affluence making him big-headed, enough to forget his Creator—if he ever knew him to begin with. Boasts the priest, “Soon Kali will rule the world. The British in India will be slaughtered. Then we will over­run the Muslims and force their ‘Allah’ to bow to Kali. And then the Hebrew God will fall, and finally the Christian God will be cast down and forgot­ten.” Being too rich tempts one to forget God.

Being too poor on the other hand can lead one to desperate thieving for food, and when caught to swear falsely that he didn't take it. The Japanese had bombed Shanghai killing Short Round's parents forcing him to live on the street. Indy caught him trying to pick his pocket, and then he took him under his wing.

Either abject poverty or blinding riches can result from pursuing treacherous fortune & glory rather than being content with one's lot in life.

Production Values

” (1984) is a sequel to “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark,” though it's set a year earlier in time. It was directed by Steven Spielberg. It was written by Willard Huyck, Gloria Katz and George Lucas. It stars Harrison Ford, Kate Capshaw—who married the director—and Ke Huy Quan. The acting was decent for an action flick, and the child actor was well directed.

It was certified PG although its intensity helped spur the MPAA to create a new rating PG–13 to warn families against bringing tiny tots to certain shows. It had superlative sets and well choreo­graphed action. There were lots of creepy crawly things in it but no deep kisses. They did not stint on special effects, either. It was filmed on location in Sri Lanka. Runtime is 2 hours.

Review Conclusion w/a Christian's Recommendation

Christianity is given first place among the major monotheistic religions being the last expected to fall, but other­wise it is ignored. The protagonists manage to get their priorities straight in the crucible of adventure. This one has its place in an action franchise. It pretty much delivers what you'd expect. I found it breathtaking.

Movie Ratings

Action factor: Edge of your seat action-packed fun. Suitability for Children: Suitable for children 13+ years with guidance. Special effects: Well done special effects. Video Occasion: Good Date Movie. Suspense: Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Overall movie rating: Five stars out of five.