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This Review Reveals Minor Details About the Plot.

Fractured Family, Funky Furlough

Weekend in Taipei on IMDb

Plot Overview

fishingmoney bagswedding
ringAfter Taiwanese fish­wife Joey (Lun-mei Gwei) stumbles upon an illegal drug con­sign­ment she must keep a low profile out of the village spot­light. She serves as its auto mechanic and gets good at driving. In a drag race with the Kwang Company, their driver is killed and she is forced to be their new driver. She and a competitor's driver John Lawlor (Luke Evans) hit it off until he reveals he's an under­cover DEA agent and warns her of an impending bust necessi­tating she disap­pear forth­with. Having discovered she's in the family way she marries drug king­pin Kwang (Sung Kang) for his protection and provision. Years later when Lawlor is forced to take a leave of absence, he spends his “long weekend” in Taipei where former matters come to the fore.



beakerssenior bus(Prov. 30:15-16) “The horseleach hath two daughters, crying, Give, give. There are three things that are never satisfied, yea, four things say not, It is enough: The grave; and the barren womb; the earth that is not filled with water; and the fire that saith not, It is enough.” There are two kinds of definitively dependent folk (“crying, Give, give”): the very young—out from the womb, and they keep coming—and the very old—heading for the grave, and they keep leaving. When Joey's home pregnancy test lights up (“Congratu­lations!”) she knows she's on the hook. Like­wise, when a doddering old couple in a movie house shows a rather tenuous grip on reality, we know some­one's got to care for them.

fishesWhen the ancient world­wide flood drained away, the earth was able to establish a productive ecology. As authoress Donna Howell with Dr. Thomas Horn puts it (from Job 38:8, Job 38:26-27):

Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb? [Shutting the “doors” to the sea denotes God's majestic ability to limit Earth's waters so the planet will not fall prey to perpetual flooding. “When it brake forth” is considered by many to refer to a time Earth was flooded, and of course, most assume this to be Noah's Flood. To Gap theorists, this entire speech is a reference to an epoch more ancient than Noah; it glances back to the “deep” of Genesis 1:2.] To cause it to rain on the earth, where no man is; on the wilderness, wherein there is no man; To satisfy the desolate and waste ground; and to cause the bud of the tender herb to spring forth? (113)

In WIT there's a scene in which a kitchen alter­cation crashes into a large decorative aquarium spilling all the fish and creatures onto the floor. The water drains away. John retrieves one gold­fish into a cup. From the dried-out world we must obtain our sustenance as the big fish eat the little and so forth.

vigilant kidspud manspudspudspudGangster Kwang floats a fishing fleet as cover for his drug smuggling operation. As a side venture they chop up snagged dolphins for bait rather than release them as the law requires. He's being indicted (“Who's the snitch?”) for a fishing violation as the movie opens. He wasn't a very smart crook. As author David Dressler writes:

the criminal wants a just return for his labor and skill. He feels he is entitled to recompense for his arduous preparation. He doesn't think he ought to work for peanuts. (78)

The penalty for a professional's crime is usually less than that for an amateur's, because of the kinds of crime under­taken by the former, to the exclusion of certain other offenses that are almost always the work of amateurs. A robber who [in 1951] steals fifty dollars may get a maximum sentence of ten or twenty years in some states. The confidence man rarely draws over two or three years. (84)

“Whatcha in for?”

“Stealin' a car.”

The older boy chuckled. “You'll learn! You're a punk! Know what that is?”

“No. But I don't like it!”

“Don't blow your top, kid!” said the seasoned informant, grinning. “A punk is a small potato. Don't be one. When you steal, steal big!” (90)

The Kwang gang relied on muscle rather than brains, which makes this movie more action oriented as it targets action demand.

butchercoffee timecar salepencilschool cafeteriaThe village prepared their catch for trade and distri­bution. The grand­mothers cooked the fish fed to villagers and company. John was an under­cover chef making a wicked crème boule. Joey had a restaurant break­fast before going to the Ferrari dealer­ship for a test drive. The engine revs like mad. “The fire that saith not, It is enough” is human metabolism that runs day and night and must be fed. Even thirteen-year-old Raymond (Wyatt Yang) must keep his drawing pencil sharp for his home­work assign­ment preparing him­self for future career, his part to keep society running.

Production Values

” (2024) was directed by George Huang. It was written by Luc Besson and George Huang. It stars Luke Evans, Sung Kang and Lun-Mei Gwei. Evans did the policeman cum father bit quite well. Kang played the sleazy, oriental gangster to a tee. Lun-Mei Gwei filled out her part with a model's looks and a mother's heart.

MPA rated it R for violence. Makeup gave characters long hair for their flash­backs. Dialogue was rudimentary. Action was dominant. Runtime is 1 hour 40 minutes.

Review Conclusion w/a Christian's Recommendation

This one took my breath away as the fight or flight scenes got stretched out. Family values gave a nod to questioned parentage but left criminal charges up in the air—good lawyers—and marital issues unresolved. Both an under­cover agent and a knocked-up broad faced difficult decisions.

Movie Ratings

Action factor: Edge of your seat action-packed. Suitability For Children: Not Suitable for Children of Any Age. Special effects: Well done special effects. Video Occasion: Good Date Movie. Suspense: Keeps you on the edge of your seat. Overall movie rating: Four stars out of five.

Works Cited

Scripture taken from the King James Version. Pub. 1611, rev. 1769. Software. Print.

Dressler, David. Parole Chief. Copyright 1951, 1950, 1948 by David Dressler. New York: Viking Press, 1951. Print.

Howell, Donna and Dr. Thomas Horn. Before Genesis. © 2023 Defender Publishing. Crane, MO: Defender Pub., 2023. Print.